Every entrepreneur has the ability to become an industry authority in addition to being a supplier to their client or customer base. Why create authority? The answer is simple: it multiplies your marketing and creates an aura of expertise.

 An authority is always perceived as being trustworthy and it does carry an element of implied responsibility (keep delivering expertise, opinion, strategy, and direction). If you want to influence people in your particular field and build a successful business, then authority is the best chance you have of making that happen. In today’s world of digital platforms, the stage to do so is not difficult. In most people’s eyes, authority = expertise.

 For the focused entrepreneur, creating authority should be delegated to a trusted advisor, and simply  directed. Being an authority is just one layer of the entrepreneur’s business strategy, and should not be a distraction from keeping the main thing, the main thing. Remember, the objective is to make the perceived authority a multiplier. 

There are many options for creating authority

Becoming an authority can be established over a short or a gradual period of time. This depends on the bandwidth and resources available to the entrepreneur and if they delegate effectively to a trusted advisor this can be done sooner than later. Platforms of execution are multifaceted, so what options are best for you?

  1. Webinars – these can be done Solo or along with industry collaborators
  2. Speaking – at local regional and national events/conferences
  3. Publishing – articles, white papers, mini-ebooks, and full books
  4. Educate – your industry audience through your webinars, as a podcast guest, creating your own podcast, and the ultimate platform –  an online learning portal which brings together elements of community, a free component as well as a monetized platform 

Are you ready to become an authority? If the answer is yes, the time to act has never been better since typically in times of a down economy, industries look for expertise in preparation for the upswing on the other side. it’s time to elevate your game and influence your industry by establishing your authority!