Motivated Publishing Studios IMPLEMENTEERING Services

Book Publishing

With the Professional Self Publishing™ process

This proprietary book creation process has been refined over the years to keep pace with the dynamic book publishing technology that is ever-evolving. Additional tools, such as the  have also been created to help the author who wishes to write themselves or who wish to use our writing services

Results have yielded over 400 titles published and hundreds of thousands of books sold by our authors. We specialize in both “business tool” and “retail-focused” publications for our clients.

Writing a book is NOT a daunting task, when you have a refined process to execute!

IP Development

Engineering the entrepreneur’s vision

Intellectual Property (IP) is vital for separating the entrepreneur’s company from its competition–innovation is essential for longevity.

Entrepreneurs are filled with Intellectual Capital ideas and have an affinity for creating assets that make them unique. Materializing their creativity represents a large portion of what Motivated Publishing Studios does, and is known for. Examples of what we’ve created for our clients include business processes, sale & marketing programs, compensation plans, training programs, product development, and online learning portals filled with content, courses, downloadable assets, and monetized memberships.

Our diversity of knowledge and experience can be your “ace up your sleeve” for attaining assets for your future vision!

Marketing Tactics

Systems that hit the target for thriving

Marketing is a broad term that requires a fully-integrated focus in order to produce a thriving organization. There are few things as critical as a filled sales Pipeline and this is tightly coupled to a well-orchestrated strategy that defines your Awareness, Publications, and Education strategies.

Your Marketing Tactics need to be nimble in order to maximize opportunities and address competition. It’s a simple task, but not necessarily easy… Do you have the right platforms? Do you have the right team? Do you have all the information needed? Do you know all the RIGHT questions to ask?

Most businesses can be distilled down to their marketing—it defines their success or limits their potential…

Marketing Tactics - Systems that Hit the Target for a Thriving Organization
Challenge Consulting - MPS

Challenge Consulting

Maximizing opportunity by breaking barriers

Challenges breed character and their solutions are the progenitor of success! The entrepreneurial organization does not back down from challengesit has already learned to embrace, learn from, and tackle them.

Sometime a new perspective is needed, one that cannot come from within. This fresh outlook can come from experience, wisdom, and the counsel of vast resources.

Plan the work and work the plan!


Challenge Consulting - MPS
Executive Management - MPS

Executive Management

Implementing systems and orchestrating the team

Some of our most impactful and successful projects have come from a deeply embedded solution of working directly within the organization. Often, this involves and executive level role and working directly with the leader.

These unique and confidential assignments are created for big results and valued relationships, which is something that our clients have come to expect and is the reason for several repeat projects with our clients…



Executive Management - MPS
Branding - MPS


Brandstormingyour unique statement to the world

Whether it’s a rebrand, refresh, or a startup’s new brand, Brandstorming is our unique process for creating your voice to your audience.

It’s personal, it’s uniquely simple, and it’s clear…

Brandstorming - MPS
Process Engineering - MPS

Process Engineering

Mapping the entrepreneur’s unique process

Mapping the business process of an operating company is a crucial step for understanding the value of the leader’s unique process. Often, this is the first step before large organizational changes, or scale, are implemented. 

This proprietary system is confidential and is the best way to document the entrepreneur’s process.

Brandstorming - MPS